Thursday, February 25, 2010

"the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat"

I so enjoyed watching the olympics. It's amazing that these athletes could rise to the top of their sport and compete at such a level and appear to be so calm. It was exciting to watch, night after night. I was glued to the tv. I rarely missed an event. I'm kind of sad it's over. It definitely was thrilling to watch some be victorious and so agonizing watching others be defeated. I'm sure most had been preparing for a lifetime for those few moments in the spotlight. Only a few came out on top. Obviously these people had been consumed by their sport for many years. I would imagine that's the only way you could get to the top. Many things consume me from day to day. I would love to say that I allow Jesus to consume me. It's not always the case. Somedays it's painful thoughts that consume me, Sometimes it's the comforts of this world that consume me. Sometimes it's the struggles. How often do I allow God to consume my heart. I pray that I will more and more. The verse that I've been thinking about and praying over lately is:

Zephaniah 3:17

The LORD your God is with you,
he is mighty to save.
He will take great delight in you,
he will quiet you with his love,
he will rejoice over you with singing."

I definitely need to be reminded of His ability to save. I've spent more time being discouraged than I have in believing His power. I need to be reminded of His delight in me. I haven't felt very delighted over that's for sure. So no matter what I feel inside, he's rejoicing over me with singing, with hallelujah's! Although my hallelujah's are broken, he continues to quiet me, takes delight in me, rejoices over me. That's God. He does that for His children.

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