Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I'm just getting back into the swing of things again since our trip to Disney. We were so glad to be back home. Jayden and Brooklyn were both sick our last day in Disney so the trip home was hard. Although, there were a few highlights and enjoyable moments, they were unfortunately over shadowed by the painful moments. As much as we tried to have a good time, it was really difficult. This whole new world we're walking into is extremely painful and we saw that first hand. As much as you try to prepare yourself, it was almost impossible to brace yourself for what we would see. I saw pain in so many eyes. I thought my heart couldn't break any more, but it did. What does God do with broken hearts? I don't know for sure what the answer is. But it's a question I'm beginning to ask again and again. He seems to be breaking our hearts on a regular basis. One highlight though was meeting a wonderful Christian Mom who was full of life. Her daughter has San Filippo and is now 12 years old. So she's been on this journey for a while. She has an inspiring story and her heart for her daughter and for God was nothing short of amazing. She was excited to introduce us to her daughter Julia and told us what a gift she is to their family. We saw God, in that moment. He continues to remind us to look for Him in uncommon places. He reminds me of where He was born, in an uncommon place and laid in an uncommon bed. I don't want to miss those uncommon moments because they're priceless.

Psalm 91:1 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. This verse has completely gripped my heart recently. As I learn to dwell in His shelter, He comes and draws me to Himself and infuses His peace into my brokenness.

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